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Dem VP Hot Sheet: Obama's Top 10 Picks

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VP Hot Sheet: Democrats

Last Updated: August 19

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The following list reflects who's hot and who's not in the search for Barack Obama's vice presidential running mate. It is compiled by senior political editor Vaughn Ververs and the rest of the political team and reflects media speculation, buzz, reporting and a lot of guesswork. This list will be updated as conditions warrant.

1Evan Bayh | Bio

The Indiana Senator by all accounts remains high on Obama's list and seems to combine many of the qualities the presumptive nominee is most looking for - foreign affairs, executive experience and swing-state appeal. His early support for the Iraq War remains a potential problem for the party's base but not enough of one to knock him out of the top spot.

green arrow2Joe Biden | Bio

Russia's invasion of Georgia has spurred a boom of speculation around the Delaware senator and veteran of the Foreign Affairs Committee. His abrupt trip to the war-torn country raised eyebrows at a crucial time when Biden's type of global experience suddenly seems to be at a premium. But would this pick do anything to reinforce Obama's desire to change politics in Washington?

red arrow3Tim Kaine | Bio

The Virginia governor is included in just about every short list that has appeared in recent weeks and Obama is scheduled to be in the Old Dominion just around the time an announcement is expected. Kaine appears to have a good personal relationship with Obama but his relative lack of experience has dampened the buzz just a little on this potential choice.

green arrow4Kathleen Sebelius | Bio

Having slipped down the list in recent weeks, the Kansas governor's name has slowly slipped back toward the top. It's where any successful state executive from middle America should be but a lack of foreign policy heft might hurt her chances. And what would those Clinton supporters think?

red arrow5Jack Reed | Bio

Despite his apparent inability to give Obama a boost in any particular swing states, this former West Pointer is still getting some attention. He brings a serious national defense resume to the table and by all accounts has a good relationship with the candidate. Still, there are others on the list who may fit the bill better.

green arrow6Chris Dodd | Bio

The former presidential candidate has admitted being vetted to some extent and brings a wide array of experience to the conversation. After more than 30 years on the Hill, Dodd would fit an "elder statesman" role and he raised his profile among the party's rank-and-file during his long-shot presidential bid. But was it enough to propel him to a number 2 slot?

green arrow7Hillary Clinton | Bio

After tensions flared up between the former primary opponents earlier this month, Clinton looked to be all-but-off the list altogether. But the opposing camps seem to have patched things up with an agreement to include Clinton's name in the roll call vote at the convention and news reports are full of speculation that this could be a "surprise" pick. Could this partnership survive though?

green arrow8Bill Richardson | Bio

The New Mexico governor had been out of the mix but his name pops up more and more often. His potential to help Obama among the key Latino voting bloc and in a key state could keep Richardson in the mix until the end of the process.

red arrow9Tom Daschle | Bio

An early and eager supporter for Obama, Daschle appears to have forged a close relationship with the former Majority Leader. But while a consummate insider helps soothe concerns of inexperience, it also brings a lot of insider baggage. And what happened to Obama in South Dakota?

red arrow10Chuck Hagel | Bio

The Republican senator from Nebraska has been one of the most often mentioned candidates throughout the summer and his presence on Obama's trip to Iraq and Afghanistan didn't do anything to dampen that speculation. But Hagel's recent declaration that he will not endorse a presidential candidate should be a signal that this pick is unlikely.

On the outside looking in: Michael Bloomberg, Bob Casey, Wes Clark, James Jones, John Kerry, Claire McCaskill, Janet Napolitano, Bill Nelson, Sam Nunn, Ed Rendell, href="" class="link">Tim Roemer, Brian Schweitzer, Ted Strickland, Tom Vilsack, Mark Warner, href="" class="link">Jim Webb, href="" class="link">Anthony Zinni

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Who is your pick for Obama's running mate?

Evan Bayh

Joe Biden

Michael Bloomberg

Hillary Clinton

Tom Daschle

Chris Dodd

Chuck Hagel

Tim Kaine

Sam Nunn

Jack Reed

Ed Rendell

Bill Richardson

Kathleen Sebelius

Jim Webb

Someone else

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