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"Action Movie Kid," America's luckiest 4-year-old?

This piece originally aired May 1, 2015.

James Hashimoto is pretty much your typical 4-year-old with superhuman powers.

The "Action Movie Kid" videos have blown up online, scoring millions of views. They're created by his dad, Daniel Hashimoto, "Hashi" to his friends, a special effects wizard who's worked on films including "Kung Fu Panda 2."

The short clips evolved out of playtime with dad. Real moments at home, not directed by dad, are simply captured on a smartphone and turned into movie quality magic.

"He was pretending to be Ironman and blasting up the kitchen. And I thought, it would be so fun to add some graphics to this and then show them to him so he could see what he's like being a real superhero," Daniel said.

Mom Mandy Richardville has her own outlet for creativity, preparing custom chocolates for parties and events from her home kitchen.

"He has a daddy who makes cartoons and he lives basically in a chocolate factory, so he's a lucky kid," Richardville said, laughing.

And in a twist on the old Hollywood success story, "Action Movie Kid" is coming to a bookstore near you. The couple has teamed up to write their first "Action Movie Kid" book, published by Simon and Schuster, a division of CBS. The cover, of course, animates, thanks to an app called Blippar.

Combining his heroic deeds with his love of sci-fi, the book sees "The Kid" taming a slime monster.

"Hopefully part of the lesson of the book is that if, as a parent, you engage your child's imaginative play, you can kind of create these really fun memories for them," Daniel said.

And fear not, "Action Movie Kid" is not bidding farewell to the small screen. New episodes are in the making, and when it comes back, his seven-month-old sister Sophia will be getting in on the action.

"I believe that she has some true superpowers. I believe she has the ability to move things with her mind as her emotions dictate," Daniel said. "I have a feeling that some sibling rivalries are in order."

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