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Couple hopeful about Supreme Court same-sex marriage cases

(CBS News) LOS ANGELES - The hearings at the Supreme Court are scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday, but already people are lining up to hear arguments in two cases that will could change how states or the federal government define marriage.

The latest CBS News/New York Times poll finds a majority of Americans now support same-sex marriage, but it was a dramatically different result in a 2008 California vote that's at the heart of the first of the two cases.

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Paul Katami and Jeff Zarillo have been fighting for the right to marry ever since California voters banned same-sex marriage in 2008.

"It's not even a question really about how to define marriage or what's happening with marriage. It's a question of equality," Katami said.

Zarrillo manages a movie theater. Katami is a fitness instructor. They, and a lesbian couple from San Francisco, are the main plaintiffs seeking to overturn California's Proposition 8.

"Oh I'd certainly say attitudes are changing," Zarillo said.

Earlier this month, Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, a conservative Republican, said he would support same sex marriage after learning his son was gay.

"It's the unexpected ally that speaks to the group of people that we sometimes can't," Katami said. "We preach to the choir a lot, and sometimes, when a Rob Portman does come out and says, 'listen, my son's life has changed my view,' the heartfelt moment makes all the difference in the world."

What arguments will the Supreme Court hear over two days in two different gay marriage cases? Watch the "Sunday Morning" report at left.

The president also put the issue in the forefront in his inaugural address.

"Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law," he said in January.

"Now it all rests on Tuesday's arguments before the supreme court," Zarillo said. "We're excited, we're anxious, we're nervous, but I think most of all, we're hopeful."

"We're just regular guys who stood up and said we deserve these rights," added his partner, Katami. " So win or lose, the conversation is happening."

If the court does rule in their favor, Katami and Sarrillo still won't rush to the altar.

They want time to plan a big, traditional wedding.

Jan Crawford reports on the questions and challenges in the Supreme Court case on same-sex marriage

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