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Chicago restaurant owner tells would-be robbers he's too busy, come back in an hour... so they did

Domingo Garcia-Hernandez Chicago Police via CBS Chicago

(CBS) CHICAGO - Two would-be robbers in Chicago apparently just wrote a new chapter in the dumb crooks book.

Police say when the pair tried to hold up a restaurant Sunday the owner told them to come back back later...which they did. Whereupon they were busted, CBS Chicago reports.

Mohammad Mukhi said he was in the Clifton Grill when two men appeared and the owner approached them frazzled, the station reported.

"He said one guy came and he has a gun and give me food," Mukhi said. "I said call 9-1-1."

The owner told CBS Chicago a man identified as Domingo Garcia-Hernandez entered the restaurant with a gun and said, "I will kill you, I have a gun with me."

That's when the owner told Garcia-Hernandez to come back in an hour - which is precisely what he and another man, Mario Garcia, did.

This time when they returned, the men allegedly demanded food and $100. The owner reportedly told the men he needed to get his wife's check book, during which time he called the police.

(Couldn't he have done that in the hour in-between? Just sayin'...)

Police arrived and put a semi-logical end to the incident, by arresting the suspects.

As it turned out, according to CBS Chicago, Garcia-Hernandez was only in possession of a squirt gun.
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