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Chemistry made into dubstep and music in the everyday

(CBS News) I have a real love and passion for the unconventional, unique, odd and otherwise when it comes to videos and stories. Much like the expression within journalism of "man bites dog," those tend to be the works I often gravitate towards highlighting here on The Feed. Oh, and I also happen to love science and music. So when you have an item that works out like a mathematical equation with each one of those factors being added, you just know the sum is almost surely going to be a post of said piece with praise. See what I mean in the total geek-out clip above.

Who would have ever thought that when you performed titration on a chemistry lab you might wind up with dubstep? The clever music video making chemicals even cooler was created and posted by Periodic Videoswho were featured on The Feed previously for an amazing compilation of chemistry experiments, and who created their latest work "solely from sounds recorded in our labs." That is one science experiment I think that everyone can really get behind! (And dance to!

And speaking of making music and sounds from unconventional places, our favorite sound designer and composer, Diego Stocco, has been hard at work on a series that explores that very concept with just about anything and everything. Featured previously for making music with leaves, a tree, a dry cleaner and more, check out one video from the series below that explores deep sea sounds through the medium of a summer past time. (Well, sort of, you'll see.) And to check out more great work from Diego Stocco's series, you can click here to go to the playlist.

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