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Can a Company Run For Congress?

When the Supreme Court decided that free speech meant corporations have the same rights as humans to fund political campaigns, the folks at a little Maryland Company called Murray Hill Incorporated saw an opening.

If corporations have the same rights as humans, they reasoned, why fool around with the middle men in politics - the politicians? Instead of trying to buy off them off, why not just run the company itself for a seat in congress? They've even got a slick new campaign ad:

"As much as corporate interests gave to politicians, we could never be absolutely shire they would do our bidding. But today, thanks to an enlightened Supreme Court, corporations have all the rights the founding fathers meant for us. It's our democracy. We bought it. We paid for it. And we're going to keep it. That's why Murray Hill, Inc., is taking democracy's next step: running for Congress."

Alas, though it may never happen, the Washington Post reports the company has already run afoul of the Constitution which says you must be 25 to serve in Congress, and the little company just isn't old enough.

That's too bad. I was looking forward to a spirited debate on when corporate life begins: when it is just a gleam in the eye of the start-up guy? Or is it when ...

Well, that's probably another one for the Supreme Court to decide.

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