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Campaign 2000 Ad Watch

The CBS News Political Unit is tracking campaign ads in the race for the White House and other key contests around the country:

June 22: Former New York City Mayor Ed Koch makes two TV commercials for Hillary Clinton.Video

June 22: Sen. John McCain is the star of a TV commercial for Michigan Sen. Spence Abraham.Video

June 20: Hillary Clinton and Rick Lazio are firing negative TV commercials at each other in the New York Senate race. Video

June 20: The Democratic National Committee is rolling out a new spot pushing for HMO reform. Video

June 12: The Republicans released a TV spot trying to convince voters that George W. Bush's plan to overhaul Social Security isn't as dangerous as the Democrats would have you believe. Video

June 9: In a new ad, Senate hopeful Hillary Clinton highlights her plan to make life better for working class families in New York. Video

June 8: The Republican Leadership Council released Everyone Agrees, an ad touting New York Senate hopeful Rick Lazio as a moderate who has appeal across the political spectrum. Video

June 7: The Democratic National Committee, hoping to resuscitate an ailing Al Gore in the polls, released an ad spotlighting Gore's commitment to expand Medicare coverage to include prescription drugs.Video

June 1: The Sierra Club released a radio ad titled Just Say Please in Nevada the day before Bush spoke there about the environment. Apparently the magic word has not had a magic effect on the environment in Texas.Video

May 31: A group modeling its political philosophy after Ronald Reagan attacks a New Jersey GOP congresswoman for being too liberal.Video

May 23: The third positive ad recently released by Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign highlights popular issues like education, health care and new job creation.Video

May 22: A leading environmental group throws dirt on Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush.Video

May 19: A new ad from Senate hopeful Hillary Clinton features the first lady surrounded by kids, smiles and hugs.Video

May 10: The gun lobby is calling for "a million NRA moms" to put up a dollar each for gun safety.Video

May 8: George W. Bush takes another ad hit from an abortion rights group. But if an attack ad lands inside the Beltway and nobody else can see it, is it really much of an attack?Video

May 5: A new Giuliani ad features the Mayor saying he'll continue to speak his mind whether you like it or not. Video

May 5: A new gun control ad suggests George W. Bush is in the pocket of the National Rifle Association.Video

May 4: Hillary Clinton's first TV commercial in the New York Senate race focuses on her pre-White House career.Video

April 25: A Sierra Club TV ad slams Senate hopeful Rudy Giuliani's environmental record. But has the New York City mayor really dropped the ball on clean water?Video

April 6: The "Friends Of Giuliani" have launched a new ad that pairs Mayor Rudy Giuliani with his "soul mate" Sen. John McCain.Video

March 30: A California group has launched an ad accusing Al Gore of playing games with campaign finance reform.Video

March 20: Al Gore responds to George W. Bush's ad on education in his own ad titled Turning. Sean Richardson gives us the facts.Video

March 20: In a new ad, Challenge the Status Quo, George W. Bush gives himself high marks as an education reformer.Video

March 3: George W. Bush attacks John McCain's commitment on women's health issues in his ad Barish, but Jane Ruvelson explains how Bush fails to tell the whole story.Video

Feb. 28: Bill Bradley says he's the only true liberal in the race, but CBS News' Sean Richardson finds some flaws in his claims.Video

Feb. 28: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. throws his support to Al Gore, citing the vice president's record on the environment.Video

Feb. 25: In his latest campaign commerical, John McCain says he's the real Reagan Republican.Video

Feb 18: Bill Bradley's newest ad touts his near-perfect pro-choice record in Congress.Video

Feb 16: George W. Bush's latest ad attempts to undermine John McCain's reliability, especially when it comes to campaign finance reform.Video

Feb 15: New York mayor and U.S. Senate hopeful Rudy Giuliani courts women in this new TV ad.Video

Feb 9: John McCain launches the latest volley in his tax-plan ad war with George W. Bush.Video

Feb 3: Democrat Bill Bradley reinforces his unwavering stance on abortion in his new Always ad.Video

Jan. 28: An ad from the Al Gore campaign says Gore's the man to keep America's prosperous economy rolling.Video

Jan. 27: Niki Tsongas, the widow of 1992 Democratic presidential candidate Paul Tsongas, is featured in this ad from Bill Bradley.Video

Jan. 25: An ad from John McCain charges GOP front-runner George W. Bush with breaking his pledge to refrain from negative campaigning.Video

Jan. 21: In this Iowa television ad, former New Jersey Sen. Bill Bradley portrays himself as a Washington outsider.Video

Jan. 20: Republican Alan Keyes' first television commercial delivers a strong pro-life message to voters in Iowa and New Hampshire.Video

Jan. 19: In this New Hampshire ad, George W. Bush says he wants to return taxes to the people, unlike certain unnamed "Washington" politicians.Video

Jan. 18: The Republican Leadership Council takes Steve Forbes to the woodshed in an ad that finds the GOP hopeful guilty of negative campaigning.Video

Jan. 14: In a TV commercial designed to appeal to Iowa social conservatives, Republican Steve Forbes stresses his staunch anti-abortion position.Video

Jan. 13: In a 30-second TV spot slated to run in South Carolina, George W. Bush pays his respects to one of America's most important voting blocs: senior citizens.Video

Jan. 12: The Republican National Committee criticizes Al Gore's stand on gays in the military in this television ad.Video

Jan. 11: In a new TV commercial, Democrat Bill Bradley portrays himself as the candidate of big ideas.Video

Jan. 6: In a 30-second South Carolina TV spot, rising GOP star Rep. Lindsay Graham offers his support for John McCain, stressing the Arizona senator's conservative credentials.Video

Jan. 4: In an unusual 20-minute commercial taped at an Iowa town hall meeting, Bill Bradley hones his image as a Washington outsider.Video

Dec. 31: In this 30-second spot, Al Gore says he has the experience to handle the nation's most pressing problems.Video

Dc. 30: Republican front-runner George W. Bush discusses his education plan in a new TV commercial broadcast in New Hampshire and Iowa.Video

Dec. 21: Democratic presidential contender Bill Bradley positions himself as a protector and defender of Medicare in a TV commercial broadcast in Iowa.Video

Dec. 10: Vice President Al Gore emphasizes his commitment to education in two TV commercials aimed at New Hampshire voters. Video

Dec. 7: Bill Bradley trots out his health care plan and GOP hopeful John McCain paints himself as a war hero who will fight government waste in these TV commercials.Video

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