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Bill Clinton Raffles Himself to Pay Hillary's Campaign Debt

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Former President Bill Clinton is tapping his star power to help his wife, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, pay off the debt still lingering from her 2008 presidential campaign.

In an e-mail sent to Hillary Clinton supporters this week, Bill Clinton offers contributors to the Clinton campaign a chance to spend the day with him in New York.

"How would you like the chance to come up to New York and spend a day with me?" the e-mail reads. "Hillary's campaign still has a few vestiges of debt that I know she would like to see paid in full. Will you reach out today to help Hillary this one last time? If you enter between now and May 18th, you might join me for a day in New York."

By making a donation or filling out a form, supporters can spend a day with the former president.

Records show that as of April 1, Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign still had $771,000 in debt, the New York Times reports. The campaign owes money to Mark Penn, Clinton's political strategist and pollster -- Penn's firm, Penn Schoen Berland, collected $24 million from the Clinton campaign for their services, according to reports.

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