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Biden leaves open possibility for 2016 presidential bid

Vice President Joe Biden could try to eliminate the first word from his title, but he's far from making up his mind on whether to seek the presidency in 2016.

In an interview with GQ, Biden fueled speculation, saying he hasn't closed the door for a 2016 presidential bid.

"The judgment I'll make is, first of all, am I still as full of as much energy as I have now--do I feel this?" he said. "Number two, do I think I'm the best person in the position to move the ball? And, you know, we'll see where the hell I am."

"If you come in the office, I have two portraits hanging--one of Jefferson, one of Adams. Both vice presidents who became presidents," Biden added. "I joke to myself, I wonder what their portraits looked like when they were vice presidents."

Recently, Biden, who, if he should win in 2016 would be 74 years old at his inauguration, has been mentioned alongside Hillary Clinton as the top potential Democratic candidates. However, in a poll out last week, Clinton would fare far better than Biden in hypothetical general election matchups against Gov. Chris Christie, R-N.J., and Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky.

The GQ story, published Thursday, explores how Biden - a "compassionate" and "brilliant" man - is an amalgam of characteristics seemingly oxymoronic in politics. He doesn't fit the divisive mold that defines Washington, D.C. But that's why his "best friends" span from Secretary of State John Kerry to Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., told GQ the idea of a "President Biden" isn't preposterous, calling Biden "the most impactful vice president I've known."

Biden's tack as vice president, however, has been to complement President Obama, not necessarily to foster future aspirations, the article says.

"I can die a happy man never having been president of the United States of America," Biden said. "But it doesn't mean I won't run."

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