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Baylor U. Students Burn Obama Signs In Protest Of Results

This story was written by Molly MacEwan and Jennifer Sutton, The Lariat

(UWIRE) -- Tuesday's election results sparked controversy on Baylor University's campus when Obama memorabilia was burned in the fire pit of Brooks Village.

After Sen. Barack Obama was declared president, more chaos broke out near Penland.

Freshman Tyler McCuan said there were two different sides to the story.

"The Democratic side said that a group of Obama supporters were driving by and white people started screaming at them," he said. "The Republican side says that a group of eight to 10 white guys were standing and talking about the election and African-American women drove by and started shouting racial slurs. The cops came and broke it up."

Senior Emmanuel Orupabo said a group of white men were standing at the corner of Penland and as some Obama supporters walked by, they overheard racial slurs and threats of violence.

Orupabo said that he and his friends responded by saying, "Excuse me?" and more words were exchanged but no violence occurred.

A Baylor police officer on the scene, who wouldn't give his name, confirmed the absence of violence.

Orupabo added that as the shouting escalated, a worker at Penland came out before the police showed up and broke up the crowd.

Freshman William Alford was at the scene.

"There were white people standing on the steps and black people drove by chanting Obama praises," he said. "We shouted 'Go socialism' sarcastically and other McCain cheers."

Orupabo said racial tensions should be brought to the attention of Baylor administration.

No Baylor officials or police officers were available to comment on the record.

Michael Wright contributed to this story.

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