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Assignment America

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Sorry, voting is now closed. The story with the most votes will be revealed Monday night at 6:30 p.m. ET on the CBS Evening News. And tune in to catch Steve Hartman's report on Friday.

It's a story of bluegrass and perseverance. Send Steve to meet Todd Taylor - recently named the fastest banjo player in the world, despite the fact that he has a degenerative muscle disease.

Steve could introduce us to two Russian sisters, ages 19 and 21. Both have Ph.D's, both have law degrees and both are packing their bags to become assistant professors in finance.

Daniel Lazzatti is homeless and living by himself in a shed. But this 18-year-old is also graduating from high school with a 3.7 GPA - and heading off to college on a scholarship. Would you like Steve to meet him?

Note: Please note that Anti Virus software installed on your computer can sometimes conflict with voting, to ensure a recorded vote you can temporarily disable your Anti Virus software. As always only your first vote counts.

Please feel free to E-mail us your Assignment America story ideas at

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