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"Angel Girl": Love Story Born In Holocaust

In June of 1958, Herman and Roma Rosenblat were married.

They'd met six months earlier on a blind date at New York's Coney Island.

But, reports CBS News correspondent Kelly Cobiella, this was and is no ordinary love story. Fate played a large role in bringing them together -- and they just celebrated their 50th anniversary.

It all began 65 years ago, in Nazi Germany.

"I went with my brothers to the right. My mother went to the left," Herman recalled. "We got separated from my mother, and she was taken to Treblinka, to the gas chamber."

Herman was sent to a slave labor camp in Germany, called Schlieben.

His mother was always in his dreams. And in one, she promised to send him an angel.

Life at Schlieben was unbearable, a diet of bread and water, his world defined by barbed wire and watchtowers.

Until, he says, "I saw a little girl behind a tree, on the other side of the barbed wire."

It was Roma, just eight years old, her Jewish family posing as Christians to hide from the Nazis.

"She took out an apple out of her jacket and she threw it over the fence. I grabbed the apple, and I ran," Herman says.

Every day, Roma came to that tree with food for Herman.

He called her his "Angel Girl."

"We never spoke a word to each other. Never," Herman says. "Never spoke a word to each other. Because, if the guards would see me from the tower, I could have gotten shot. And she could have gotten shot."

This unspoken relationship lasted seven months until one day, without warning, Herman was transferred by coal car to another camp. He said goodbye to his angel.

"That was it. I never saw her since then," Herman says.

After the concentration camps were liberated, Herman found his way to the United States.

"He found love and was engaged to be married three times, but never went through with any of them. He always felt something was missing.

And then came that blind date -- with Roma. As they spoke, Herman told her of the little girl who'd thrown him apples when he was in the concentration camp. And she said she was that girl!

It was a coincidence Herman believes was no accident.

"I said to myself, 'Oh my God -- my mother sent her back to me!' And that was it. I knew right then and there we were going to get married."

"He was tall and handsome," Roma told Cobiella.

"I'm still handsome!" Herman chuckled.

"Yes, you are. You are. You are," Roma responded.

Six months after that blind date -- 15 years after Roma first threw the apple -- they were married.

"Every morning," Herman advised, "every morning for years, you get up you wake up you look at each other, and you say. 'I love you, I love you, I love you.' You kiss, and you say, 'Now, let's go for breakfast.' "

And Roma leaned over and kissed Herman again.

Herman says their story is being made into a movie, and he wants Dustin Hoffman to play him.

The story has already been made into a children's book, "Angel Girl," by Laurie B. Friedman. To see an excerpt, click here.

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