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America's Next Top Model

It's a recap show on Top Model, so it's a lot of highlights of this past season and some new clips that I will explain.

The first new clip we see is a surprise visit from Top Model stylist Charlie and makeup artist Sutan. They are coming to do a wardrobe raid on the girls so they always look their best. They literally throw some of the girls' clothes away — whether it's a passed-down family article (like Carridee) or $200 boots (so Monique said),it all went in the trash. But it was the first chance to see how much Melrose is a force in this competition. Even this early she had an edge because Charlie and Sutan loved her style and she lets us know that she made a lot of her clothes, which is amazing!

After the raid, they give the girls a break and let them go on a shopping spree for the model's essentials — like a big bag to hold their portfolio, miniskirt, hair tie, tank, etc. I am surprised to see people like Monique picking out all of this stuff that she knows she didn't need. Does this girl ever follow the rules?

Monique-hating seems to be the theme of the show. They show a lot of her stomping around the house and mouthing off to her fellow contestants. She also seems to pitch a fit when someone eats her Doritos in a house full of food. This girl is so much drama; I hate to spend any more time talking about her.

We also get a peek at the Melrose-hating by the other girls. They say she is rude and disrespectful around the house, but I think it may be a bit of jealousy on their part. She is the front-runner and it's obvious.

There's not much new stuff, but I can say I am a big fan of Melrose and Carridee, and I am rooting for them. Next week is a new episode. Yeah!

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