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A Pet Project For Xmas

It is the season for Christmas cards to bring good cheer to your friends and family. But, you can also do something good for others.

Photojournalist Linda Solomon explains how on The Early Show.

Teaching kids about photography and the importance of pet adoption are two "pet" projects of Solomon. She put the two together on a recent trip to the Boys and Girls Club of Southeastern Michigan.

"We're all photojournalists," she explains.

Solomon says the theme of her recent photo assignment was to capture the heart of a pet looking to be loved, so she selected, with the help of some children, some images of pets from the Humane Society to make holiday cards.

The Michigan Humane Society brought over their mobile unit filled with dogs and cats without homes, which were perfect furry little subjects for some kids' first photo lesson.

Solomon encouraged her young friends to take close-ups of the animals to capture some fun and unique photos, which was easier said than done. But when it works, there's nothing cuter.

Some of the kids hadn't handled a camera before, so Solomon went over some basics with them. She told them to keep their fingers off the lens and always have the camera handy because a beautiful shot can happen at unexpected times.

But, the most important lesson of the day came to the children naturally.

"They need love, too, just like humans," little Jessica said of the animals.

The kids, between the ages of seven and 12 years old, took picturess that could be mistaken for a professional's work. And, the cards have quotes from the young photographers.

Proceeds from the sale of their cards benefit the Michigan Humane Society. To purchase them or other holiday cards that benefit various charities, go to

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