Keller ISD parents say there needs to be more transparency from school board
KELLER — Last week, a concerned Keller ISD parent filed a lawsuit against the district's board of trustees. He's alleging an open meetings violation occurred during a discussion on splitting the district.
At last Thursday's Keller ISD school board meeting, Matthew Mucker joined more than 120 parents reacting to a proposal to split the district.
"I was thrilled to see so much civic engagement," he said. "I don't have any particular opinion on splitting the district because I haven't seen any plan that the district has."
The father of three kids who attend the district said his top concern is that trustees discussed the possibility of splitting the district behind closed doors last month. It's something trustee Chelsea Kelly addressed on Thursday.
"On Dec. 19, when I walked into what I thought was a lighthearted executive session with some snacks and maybe some holiday cheer, instead I was blindsided by a resolution to split Keller ISD into two districts," she said at Thursday's meeting.
Mucker said this discussion was a violation of the Texas Open Meetings Act. It's something other local attorneys have agreed with. Ahead of Thursday's meeting, he filed a lawsuit against the board of trustees.
"My filing is simply to petition the court to force the board to meet in public, as the law requires," Mucker said. "Most people are thanking me for holding the board accountable. I just want transparency. I want the school board to be open and inviting to the public."
He's hoping a judge will issue a temporary injunction against the school board and plans to attend next week's meeting.