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Sacramento community pillar Mother Rose honored with celebration of life: "Our jobs to continue her legacy"

Celebration of life held for Sacramento's Mother Rose
Celebration of life held for Sacramento's Mother Rose 03:06

SACRAMENTO — Over 1,000 people gathered at St. Paul Church in Sacramento on Thursday for a celebration of life for Georgia Peat West, better known to the community as "Mother Rose."

Mother Rose died after a battle with cancer last month at age 75. 

"She was generous with her time," said Cassandra Jennings, the CEO of St. Hope, the nonprofit Mother Rose was involved in. 

Jennings called Mother Rose her sister in Christ. 

"We worship together, we work together and we play together," she said. 

The family of Mother Rose entered St. Paul Church surrounded by hundreds to celebrate her abundant life. It was a prayer-filled and praised-filled room to display the unwavering faith Mother Rose always held onto. 

Mother Rose's son, Kevin Johnson, is a former NBA player and Sacramento's first African American mayor. He said his NBA days were how his mother got her nickname, saying it was fitting because his mom was different than other moms. 

"Being a familiar face, a loving spirit, she definitely embodies that as a nurse, and she carried that same skillset over to the bookstore," said Ronnie West, Mother Rose's other son and Johnson's older brother. 

A family man devoted to service, West calls his mother a pillar who created Underground Books in the Oak Park neighborhood in 2003. 

There, she employed and mentored dozens of students from her alma mater, Sacramento High, sharing the joy of reading, transforming the space into a literary hub and giving them a glimpse into their African American heritage. 

"Books that look like them and books that would really help them experience the world and grow to be great leaders in the country," Jennings said. 

Community members, students and even doctors who stuck by her side down to her final moments were all in attendance to honor Mother Rose's remarkable dedication to Sacramento. 

Loved ones are confident her signature smile and legacy will live on. 

"She touched lives she made a difference and it's now going to be our jobs to continue her legacy," Jennings said. 

Mother Rose and Jennings were registered nurses who worked together at the start of their careers. 

At Thursday's service, they announced several scholarships created in her honor and read a message from California's governor honoring Mother Rose's work in the capital city. 

One included a $5,000 Mother Rose Nursing Scholarship from Sacramento's chapter of the Capital City Black Nurse's Association.
Sacramento City Councilmember Rick Jennings announced a scholarship in Mother Rose's honor for high school seniors heading to college and said St. Hope athletes will start wearing a patch or pin on their uniforms to commemorate Mother Rose. 

"Her management of Underground Books combined with her 27 years career as a registered nurse are the true testament of uplifting her community," Rick Jennings said.

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