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Water main break in South Side Slopes causes cars to freeze into the street

Broken water main freezes South Side street
Broken water main freezes South Side street 03:26

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - A South Side Slopes street has been turned into a sheet of ice and worse yet, some people's cars are now frozen solid to the ground. 

Water has been running down the street during this brutal cold stretch since yesterday and no one can seem to figure out where it's coming from. 

The frustration has mounted and Pittsburgh Water is out there now trying to figure out where it's coming from. According to a Pittsburgh Water spokesperson, they were out on Tuesday as well but were unable to find the source. 

As a result, some cars are now buried in ice up to the rims. 

"It's just frozen all the way down the street - it's crazy," said Cyndi Palmer. 

"You can't get it out whatsoever," added Rory Ann Daley. "The tires are stuck in the ice, you can't break it, it's completely frozen to the ground." 

It's an unbelievable and dangerous situation on Berg Street as it looks more like an ice rink than a street. Some have expressed worry about even attempting to walk on it. 

"I even put some salt around each tire hoping it would loosen it a little bit," said Sandy Fornauf. "I didn't make it to work today." 

Residents showed us the culprit: water flowing from a broken main. 

Now, getting it solved, that's another issue. 

"I called the water company twice, my neighbors have called the water company and they said they sent someone out yesterday and said they couldn't find the leak," said Palmer. 

We reached out to Pittsburgh Water and they promised action and to help get their cars unfrozen. 

Pittsburgh Water sent out an overnight crew and said they plan to fix the break tonight. 

They also said they would clear the ice from the tires that are still stuck to the road. 

However, an auto expert said that people shouldn't drive the cars until they thaw out, saying it's not safe and could damage the car. 

Pittsburgh Water's spokesperson tells KDKA that they're also going to look into paying for any damage this may have caused. 

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