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Penn Hills High School operating on a half-day schedule Friday in honor of Josh Willy

Former students remember Penn Hills teacher killed in crash
Former students remember Penn Hills teacher killed in crash 03:06

PENN HILLS (KDKA) - Penn Hills High School will be operating on a half-day schedule on Friday in honor of recently-passed teacher, Josh Willy. 

Students will be dismissed on Friday after the third period at 9:52 a.m. and will get a bagged lunch once they leave. 

The early dismissal will allow students the opportunity to attend his funeral services. 

Visitation was hosted at Warchol Funeral Home in Bridgeville on Wednesday and Thursday. The funeral will take place on Friday at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Upper St. Clair at 11 a.m. 

Linton Middle School and Penn Hills Elementary School will operate on their normal schedules. 

Willy identified as victim in Parkway East crash

Last week, the medical examiner was called to the scene after a car crashed off of the Parkway East, plummeted down a hillside, and landed in a creek

The crash happened around 9 a.m. that Friday morning and hours later, Willy was identified as the victim. 

He had been with Penn Hills School District for more than 20 years, serving as a social studies teacher and gifted program coordinator. 

"Josh was a deeply valued colleague and his tragic passing is felt by all of us," said Superintendent John Mozzocio in a statement. "He was a wonderful teacher of AP World History and Honors Civics, and his work with our high school gifted students was exceptional. Please keep Josh's family, friends, colleagues, and students in your thoughts and prayers."

"Good, better, best." Penn Hills students remember Mr. Willy

A phrase Mr. Willy often said to his students resonated with them: "Good, better, best. Never let it rest until your good is better and your better is best." 

The phrase was powerful enough that students who hadn't been in a class with him for decades remembered it. 

"He wasn't ever telling you that you had to be like the best, but you just had to do better than like you did before," said Heather Kuhn who was a student of Willy's 20 years ago. 

Willy was 49 years old. 

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