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Allegheny General Hospital trauma team reports uptick in pedestrians hit by cars

Allegheny General Hospital surgeon reports uptick in pedestrians hit by cars
Allegheny General Hospital surgeon reports uptick in pedestrians hit by cars 02:15

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — The trauma team at Allegheny Health Network says there's been a concerning upswing in accidents involving pedestrians.  

The number of people who've been run down and killed in western Pennsylvania in 2024 hasn't been totaled, but doctors say it's been a very deadly year.

"Over in Oakland, there's been two people in the last six months. We've had several people here also who had been hit at night in crosswalks or just walking in the street," Allegheny General Hospital trauma surgeon Dr. Alan Murdock said. 

"Eighty percent of people that are hit by cars are hit at night and fatalities," Murdock said. 

Murdock says whether it's rural or urban, car vs. person collisions happen everywhere.

"It's not uncommon, and actually, this time of the year, it can be more dangerous," Murdock said. 

Allegheny General Hospital trauma prevention coordinator Jim Stupar says in some cases, "the person is not paying attention to what's going on. They're in a hurry, they're talking on their phone, they're texting while they're going through the crosswalk or going through the street."

Stupar says another problem is how people dress. 

"They're walking in dark clothing, they're not seen by the drivers," Stupar said. 

Both Murdock and Stupar say reflective vests, armbands and flashlights are a must.

"Carrying a flashlight and being illuminated when a car's coming at you, you can shine it so the person sees it and takes notice," Stupar said. 

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