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Pittsburgh's cold snap is leaving some with utility bills they can't afford. Here's how you can get help.

Pittsburgh's cold blast left some with utility bills they can't afford. Here's how to get help.
Pittsburgh's cold blast left some with utility bills they can't afford. Here's how to get help. 02:11

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Pittsburghers' gas and electric bills are likely showing some spikes after last month's winter blast. It may have some people wondering how they're going to afford to pay their bills.

Chad Quinn, the CEO of the Dollar Energy Fund, says people shouldn't be embarrassed to ask for help. 

"What we try to tell people is to contact your utility company, ask them, 'What programs are available for me?' Again, it could be something as simple as a budget. There's no embarrassment in asking for that," Quinn said. 

The Dollar Energy Fund is a nonprofit that was started in Pittsburgh and has expanded to many different states. 

"For a family of four making $64,000 or less, that is about 200% of the federal poverty guideline, that is a family Dollar Energy Fund can help," Quinn said. 

The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission requires utilities to have programs to help people struggling to pay their bills. There are a lot of programs and organizations like Dollar Energy Fund. 

So where do you start? First call your utility company. Did you know they will happily set you up on a payment plan?

"What I'd like to stress for everyone is utility companies do not want to turn people off. They want to find a way to help you, and they're willing to connect you with programs," Quinn said. 

After you call your utility company, you can also reach out to the Dollar Energy Fund and Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission for help. 

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