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Runners, walkers brave the cold to get workout in as Philadelphia community copes with icy temperatures

Runners brave the cold for workout along Kelly Drive as Philadelphia deals with frigid temps
Runners brave the cold for workout along Kelly Drive as Philadelphia deals with frigid temps 02:31

Rain, snow, sleet, or shine, there always seem to be folks out on Kelly Drive. It was no different on Tuesday when people dressed in a few extra layers due to the frigid temperatures.

"This feels like 10-12 years ago cold. We haven't had this so I'm re-remembering how to dress for this," Jill Beccaris said.

The Philadelphia runner and her dog, Franklin, were bundled up.

"I have like 12 layers of clothes on," Beccaris said. While pointing to Franklin she said, "I have like some stuff that I put on his feet, so his feet don't get cold. And he's a really good runner so I put his warm jacket on so he's stylin' too."

Beccaris joined quite a few others as they came out for their daily exercise along Boathouse Row.

CBS Philadelphia

"I am training for a half marathon in March. I'm pushing through a really cold run," Lauren Detorres, from Philadelphia, said.

A reminder from a frozen Schuylkill River.

"I woke up and I didn't really want to be out here, but decided I needed to," Detorres said with a laugh.

Others, including Scott Maheia, didn't think twice about the cold.

"I do a six-mile walk every day. I don't care what temperature it is. I'm out here. I'm going to take my walk," Maheia said.

Still, Mother Nature does not let us forget that it is downright cold outside, and that will not change anytime soon.

How to prevent hypothermia and frostbite

What are the signs of hypothermia and frostbite? Protecting yourself from the cold this winter 02:23

If you have to venture into the cold while the temperatures are severely low, you'll have to bundle up. 

  • Wear multiple layers outside
  • Moisture-wicking clothing closest to the body
  • Water and wind-repellent layers on top to help keep you dry and warm
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