Shadow Program in Detroit provides youth a view of how the city works
(CBS DETROIT) — The Detroit Department of Neighborhoods is growing once again and is seeking the next generation of local leaders through its Shadow Program.
"You may be in college for something, but as soon as you get exposed to something, you get more of a passion. So, I'm excited to see the increase in passion," said the department's District 5 Manager, Joshua Roberson.
The six-week experience gives nearly 90 Detroiters between the ages of 18 and 25 the chance to sign up to work alongside mentors in their fields of interest for one day across all city offices, getting an inside look at how the city works.
"We really want to get young people engaged civically with the city government, but hopefully we can be mentoring some of our next directors, our next deputy directors, who will be creating policies for the future," said Roberson.
Jason James is preparing for his day this year and hopes to be placed in a department that focuses on his favorite subject, financial literacy.
"Ever since I learned what those two words meant, it's just been on my forehead, ever since, so it's just been my journey to get into that type of field," said James.
Growing up, James says he didn't really know what career he could pursue, but after hearing about the Shadow program, he knew he wanted to explore it.
"I know it's a lot to learn when it comes to being in rooms and buildings with such people that got some power and that's just something that I think about all the time," said James.
While it has only been around for a short time, those with the program say it has already made a major difference.
"You never know who you may run into, who you may be. You never know what the day may look like. You never know what that opportunity may lead you to. So, you never know where you're going unless you walk through that door," said Logan Newman, outreach coordinator of the Department of Neighborhoods.