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Inmate at Lake County, Indiana jail charged with attacking correctional officer over books in his cell

CHICAGO (CBS) -- A man being held on previous homicide charges in Lake County, Indiana, has been charged with attacking a jail guard who tried to remove some books from his cell.

Raymond L. Smith, 46, has been charged with three counts of aggravated battery to a correctional officer, one count of resisting a correctional officer causing injury, and one count of resisting a correctional employee, according to the Lake County Sheriff's office.

On Jan. 3, a correctional officer conducting his rounds noticed Smith had more library books in his cell than he was allowed, and told Smith he could keep five of them, but had to return the rest.

"Smith became enraged and clenched his fists," a sheriff's office spokesperson said in an email.

The jail guard backed out of Smith's cell and called in the disruption over the radio. That's when Smith lunged at the officer, punched him multiple times in the face, and tried to choke him.

The officer was able to get away from Smith and use pepper spray, forcing Smith to go back into his cell.

When other guards arrived at the cell, Smith was taken to the jail's maximum-security pod.

The jail guard suffered several cuts and bruises, and was taken to a hospital for treatment. He returned to work the next day.

Sheriff's detectives conducted an investigation and the Lake County State's Attorney's office approved charges against Smith.

Smith, who was already in custody on homicide charges, appeared in court on the new charges Friday morning, and was ordered to remain in custody.

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