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Extreme cold leads to water main breaks around Chicago area

Water pipes burst in extreme cold around Chicago area
Water pipes burst in extreme cold around Chicago area 02:05

OAK FOREST, Ill. (CBS) -- When the temperatures drop as low as they have this week in Chicago, numerous different problems bubble up.

One such problem involves water mains that crack and burst — sending water flowing onto the streets above.

In southwest suburban Oak Forest, a repair crew had to battle bursts back-to-back on Tuesday. CBS News Chicago tagged along as the crew went out to fix a line buried 5 to 6 feet underground. This was below the normal ground frost line — the depth at which groundwater in soil is expected to freeze.

Earlier, around 3 a.m., another water main break in Oak Forest left some residents high and dry.

"We weren't sure what the heck was going on," said Melissa Clark. "It was just a lot of water coming out, flooding everywhere. With it being this cold, we knew something was bad."

It was indeed something bad, but not something unexpected. Clark's family snapped photos after the pipe also burst outside their home last month too.

The burst pipe shot water shooting several feet in the air. Meanwhile, nary a drop was flowing through the pipes and faucets in Clark's family's home — something the home dog-groomer said can be a problem for her business.

"I had to call a lot of people, and they're disappointed because they set time out of their schedule. I set time out of my schedule," Clark said. "But there's really not a lot you can do when there is no water."

Water main break leaves sheets of ice on Chicago's West Side 00:19

Late Tuesday, the extreme cold was also to blame for a water main break at Western Avenue and Jackson Boulevard on Chicago's West Side. The main break sent water bubbling up, and the water quickly froze over to create sheets of ice.

As of 10 p.m. Tuesday, crews were still digging to find and fix the break.

The City of Chicago gets plenty of complaints during extreme freezes. The 311 system does not track water main breaks specifically, but for an analysis, CBS News Chicago grouped the three most common complaints for water issues — no water, with 262 complaints; water on the street, with 190 complaints; and low water pressure, with 84 complaints.

This month alone, there were several blocks that had multiple water complaints in a day.

Why does this happen?  Experts said obviously, the temperature plays a big role — but a lot of it has to do with the material of which the pipe is made, and the age of the pipe.

CBS News Chicago also asked experts what can be done to help prevent an issue at home stemming from a water main break. They said anyone who sees something that they suspect is a water main break should report it immediately.

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