Chicago reveals 50 finalists for 3rd annual snowplow naming contest
CHICAGO (CBS) -- With steady snow falling across the Chicago area, it's the perfect time to think about potential names for the city's fleet of snowplows.
The Chicago Department of Streets and Sanitation on Friday revealed the 50 finalists to name six snowplows, as part of the city's third annual snowplow naming contests.
Chicagoans spent the past few weeks submitting names for the contest before the city revealed the 50 finalists.
Some of the finalists cleverly play off the names of popular celebrities, athletes, and historic figures; such as "Chance the Scraper, "Frank Lloyd Right-of-Way," "Joakim Snow-uh," and "Snow Angel Reese."
Others riff on famous Chicago locales; like "Bean There, Plowed That," "Buckingham Plowntain," "Flake Shore Drive," "Goose Iceland," "Snower Wacker," and "The Chilly Goat Tavern."
The complete list of finalists is on the city's website. Chicago residents can vote for up to six names before Jan. 21.
Once the votes are counted, the city will reveal the top six names to be placed on one snowplow in each of the city's six snow districts.
The first person who submitted each winning name will be offered a photo opportunity with the snowplow bearing their name, and an award of some city swag.