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Amplify Latinx CEO Eneida Roman honored with Pinnacle Award for leadership

Pinnacle Award honoree Eneida Roman champions Latino-American representation
Pinnacle Award honoree Eneida Roman champions Latino-American representation 01:57

BOSTON - As the founder and CEO of Amplify LatinX, Eneida Roman is on a mission to advance opportunities, leadership representation, and prosperity, for members of Massachusetts' Latino community. 

She serves on Governor Healey's Latino Empowerment Council, a post to which she was appointed. She is a lawyer, an organizational psychologist, and a 2025 Pinnacle Award Honoree.

On January 31st, Eneida will receive the award for Achievement in Management-Non-Profit from the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce. Asked about her definition of success, she explains that the answer changes at different stages in life. Her definition now involves the concept of balance, hard as it is to achieve, and "having an impact in whatever I touch." 

A growth mindset

A curious person, Eneida says that she finds opportunities for growth every day. "I love reading. I love learning from children, from adults, from everything I'm exposed to!" she says eagerly. The key, she explains, is having a growth mindset. "If you have a growth mindset or you're thinking-gosh, I can learn from this instead of looking at yourself as a victim, that's very important." 

Eneida says she intentionally surrounds herself with people who inspire her. Gaining perspective, often with the help of those around her, helps her solve problems and address challenges. 

"Any challenge in life is dealing with people. So, it's about how do I manage a situation where I'm looking at ... where the other person is coming from." She also works to find the "silver lining" whenever possible. "Blessings in disguise," she said. 

She calls her current job the "best, hardest job" she's ever had. "It is hard because obviously we are dealing with big challenges. Big societal challenges," she said. "But at the same time what I do is advance the economic prosperity of the United States." 

Knowing that her efforts support people in Massachusetts and beyond makes the hard work more than worth it.   

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