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Bill Belichick offers Massachusetts high school football player chance to play for him at North Carolina

Mass. high school football player receives offer from Belichick, UNC
Mass. high school football player receives offer from Belichick, UNC 02:57

HANOVER - Who doesn't like getting a letter in the mail? Few of us are used to getting the kinds of letters Marky Walbridge tends to receive. The 17-year-old junior from Hanover is a 6'6", 270lbs, left tackle at St. Sebastian's School in Needham. He got his first offer to play college football when he was a freshman. 

"I was at Hanover High School [at the time]. I still remember it was before my 15th birthday," Walbridge recalled. "It was UMass. I started crying I was so excited and so happy I called my parents, and they started crying too." 

The offers have been rolling in ever since. Walbridge has gotten offers to play football at Michigan, South Carolina, Nebraska, Tennessee, Wisconsin and the list goes on. On Thursday, he got his 23rd college offer. This one was hand delivered by Bill Belichick himself. 

Meeting with Bill Belichick

"I don't usually get nervous for meetings with the coaches," Walbridge said. "But for him, I was a little bit nervous for it because I grew up watching him on TV. All the success he has had as a coach. I've been to Patriots' parades and what not, so I have seen them celebrate." 

On his time with Belichick, Walbridge said, "He's a great guy and has pretty funny stories of the Patriots." 

Bill Belichick Marky Walbridge
Marky Walbridge, a junior at St. Sebastian's School, received an offer from University of North Carolina head football coach Bill Belichick.  Marky Walbridge

Belichick met Walbridge at St. Sebastian's School the same day he signed his multi-year contract to be head coach of UNC Chapel Hill. It marks the official start to a new chapter for the 6-time Super Bowl winning coach. He spent 24 seasons with the New England Patriots. 

Walbridge weighing offers

Walbridge has not made a decision yet. There are more offers expected to come in during the spring, but by this summer it will be decision time. He said he is keeping an open mind and his head down. After all, this junior still has another season to play. 

"For the kids out there, I would say keep putting in hard work because you never know how great you might become if you don't put in that work," he said.

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