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Maryland has the longest emergency room wait times in the country. New legislation aims to change that.

Maryland leaders take steps to reduce wait times in hospitals
Maryland leaders take steps to reduce wait times in hospitals 01:51

BALTIMORE -- Maryland leaders are taking steps to reduce emergency room wait times across the state.

A study released by the Maryland Hospital Association in March 2024 said Maryland had the worst hospital wait times in the country as of 2021.

"We were the only state that was 50th in the country in the ED," said State Senator Pam Beidle, who heads the Senate Finance Committee.

What is causing long emergency room waits?

The study identified hospital capacity, a statewide behavioral health crisis, workforce shortages, health care access, and Maryland's dense population as root causes of long hospital wait times. 

In response to the ongoing issues, the Maryland General Assembly passed House Bill 1143, which established the Maryland Emergency Department Wait Time Reduction Commission (HSCRC). The commission's goal is to develop strategies to help state and local hospitals reduce ED wait times. The commission will terminate on June 30, 2027.

Andrew Nicklas, the Senior Vice President of Government Affairs & Policy with the Maryland Hospital Association, said the commission is implementing real-time strategies while creating long-term solutions.

"There are so many things that are beyond hospital control. Not that hospitals aren't working on them, they are," Nicklas said. "That's what I think is the unique opportunity with this commission is to bring all of the stakeholders together to have holistic solutions."

Strategies to reduce hospital wait times

A report from the commission details research and proposed wait time reduction strategies. 

One of the commission's proposed solutions is reducing hospital capacities by equipping hospitals to more efficiently treat Maryland's aging population and those who suffer from chronic diseases—a population that is increasing, according to the report. 

According to the report, 51% of the 65 and overpopulation in Maryland will be diagnosed with prediabetes, and 25% will have a diabetes diagnosis. 

Modernizing hospital facilities, addressing maintenance needs, and improving hospital staff retention are also goals outlined in the report. 

Sen. Biedle questioned how long patients would have to wait to see shorter wait times.

"I hope that we are not going to wait until the final report to see changes," she said.

In Howard County, changes are already being made to reduce ER wait times. In March 2024 Dr. Shafeeq Ahmed, president of the Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center, announced a goal of securing $40 million for an expansion project. 

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